Characteristics of AURALL

recording critical communications

Legality of recordings within the legal or regulatory framework

Aimed at security clients, critical communications and the public sector with the need to record the content of communications in an information system, recording for operational or regulatory needs.

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[AURALL 10 video]

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multiple scenarios

Solutions for

Operations Control

Solutions for

Emergencies & 
Public Safety

Solutions for

Transport Control

Solutions for


general characteristics
Multichannel recording

Hybrid, analogue, digital, SIPREC, EUROCAR, mobile scenarios.

Screen recording

Multiple screens and synchronized playback with call audio.

Multitenant management

Multiple clients or companies with workspace and custom configuration.

legal regulations

Compliance with ENS, 27001, 22301, RGPD, 14001, 9001, among others.

intuitive environment

All services in a single solution to guarantee interaction with the application.

alarm management

Management and control of the status of the system’s hardware and software components.

on-site solution

Client solution and communications infrastructure integration.

cloud solution

Cloud services on high availability infrastructure.

safe standards

Open standards (TLS/SSL, HTTPS, AES-256, SHA-256).

access control

Limitation of the number of attempts. Strong passwords. 2FA. Justification of the reason for access.

access logs

Record of all actions

user profiles

Assignment of permissions to users. Definition of roles.

data encryption

Watermark. Recording encryption (AES-256). Fingerprint identifying each recording (SHA-256).

data retention

Retention policies backup scheduling.

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